
Frequently asked questions

What is the time commitment?

The programme is intentionally designed for busy female wealth and finance professionals, allowing them enough time to complete the required tasks, exercises and journal entries at a steady pace over a six month period. Moreover, with all the live group coaching sessions recorded, you can always re-visit all the supporting toolkit well after the live programme has ended.

Is the programme accredited or endorsed?

The programme is endorsed by The Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM). They also provide you with 12 month access to their award winning e-learning tool, MyLeadership. After successfully completing the ILM learning modules, you can gain letters in your name and digital credentials that recognise and prove your leadership capabilities. The programme is also accredited by the CISI.

How do I join the programme?

If you are interested in applying to join this programme, simply complete and submit the Application Form to PIMFA. If your application is successful, you will be invited to a call with Caroline Holt to discuss the outcomes you want from this programme and to determine whether this is the right next step for you at this stage in your career. Please note that completing the Application Form does not commit you to taking a place on the programme.